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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica's #WritersDiary: A Charming Chat with Author Tonya Penrose!



Well, hello December! One of my absolute, Twitter delights as a reader and writer this year has been connecting up with multi-genre author, Tonya Penrose! Her books are filled with inspiration and magical settings.

In addition to keeping readers enchanted, she's also a wonderful supporter of the writing community on social media. Settle in and prepare to smile, let's chat with Tonya:


Q1. Tonya, I so enjoyed the enchanting, reading trip to the magical village of Charm! Such a clever tale, with an inspiring journey for the characters. I can see sooooo many possibilities to take this story to other media platforms. What was your inspiration for this story, and where would you like to see it go?

Thank you so much for enjoying your visit to Charm. It's definitely a town like no other in the best possible way. Funny you should ask about Welcome to Charm and other media. My publisher, World Castle, chose it to be placed up for a movie/series option through their Books to Movie division. Fingers crossed, some savvy producer/filmmaker snags it. I can promise them that the characters of Charm are a delight to work with and show up on time, lol.

The inspiration for my stories comes when I sit in my writing chair. It's as if the ideas get downloaded, and I'm off to the races meeting the characters and seeing where they're taking me.

Q2. Old Mountain Cassie was another uplifting read set in the lovely town of Divine. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the 'lessons' explored in this story. What led you to tell this tale, and any plans to set up a 'Divine' workshop per chance?

What led me to this tale is a funny story. I belonged to this wonderful and talented writing group. I had submitted Cassie as a short fiction piece for them to critique before I sent it to a literary magazine. I showed up for our meeting, and when it came my turn for feedback, what happened left me speechless. A state I seldom reside in. The authors united and refused to give me any feedback save one thing. They stated emphatically that Old Mountain Cassie was too amazing of a character to be confined to 1,000 words. She needed to be a book. I reminded them I didn't write books, but to no avail. They stood firm.

The next week, the phone call campaign began asking if I'd begun working with Cassie. I told each one to leave me alone, Lol. They didn't and wouldn't. A few weeks later, I sat in my writing chair, and Cassie showed up, chattering away. 120k words later, I'd written my first too-long novel and totally fallen in love with the characters of Divine and, of course, Cassie's amazing teachings that changed my life. Oh yes, I'm still eating crow with those writers. 7 book bowls and counting.

Thank you for asking about a workbook to use for Cassie's lessons. A bunch of readers have asked for that very thing, and when I'm writing the next Cassie in the series. I promise it's high on my list to do, along with finding Cassie a television screen to say howdy to more 'seekers' out there wanting to know the secret for 'living life amazing.'

Q3. Your A Shell Island Mystery cozy mystery series is on my 2023 #TBR list, I adore cozy tales. Will you tell us about the setting and characters in the series?

My two cousin sleuths, Page Wright and Besty Ross are so much fun to whodunit with at Shell Isle Beach. Page gets what she calls inklings when something unsavory is about to happen. It plunges she and Betsy into a serious case of snooping as the intuitive nudges keep coming and the inevitable discovery of a murder. It’s rare when a reader guesses whodunit. They’re twisty romps.

The added spice to this humor cozy series is Betsy’s culinary debacles save one. An enchanted honey cake is known to get a confession from the murderer. Don’t ask. Just read. You’ll see. Lol As a bonus, Betsy’s recipes are included at the end of each book. The antacids aren’t.

Q4. Your marketing for your books is so engaging--I love your book graphics. Any words of wisdom for the #WritingCommunity to help them up their book promo efforts?

Thanks for the compliment. Many of my graphics are by a super talented friend/author. I adore her and the gifts of her creativity.

Promoting a book nowadays is beyond challenging. There are so many books competing for the reader’s cart. Currently, I'm looking for something fresh and innovative that would push my books forward. If anyone has discovered something effective for promoting, please don’t be shy about sharing with me. 😊 I have five publishers to please.

Q5. Enquiring minds want to know--what's next in 2023 for Tonya Penrose, any news you can share?

I'm super jazzed about a unique project that I'm doing with the award-winning composer, producer, and musician David Bazo. Please invite me back early in 2023, and I will sing like a canary about what we're doing.

Also, my agent has been patiently waiting for me to write a new cozy mystery series. I began the novel last month. The working title for book one is A Shocking Murder. Oops, I told you before, my agent. Readers can expect a twisty romp and plenty of laughs. More to come later.


Tonya, thank you so much for being my guest today. You bet you'll be invited back in the new year for an update on your exciting project! If you'd like to learn more about Tonya's books and projects, take a gander here:

Twitter: @tonyawrites

What a year of great reads and more to look forward to in 2023--a perfect time to load up that #TBR! It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Thanks for the Cozy Mystery Book Love!

November and December are two of the biggest book buying months of the year, and it has certainly proved to be true for me thus far. I truly appreciate the kind book love and support! BTW, the book love is a two-way street for me--I've been loading up my 2023 #TBR with some great reads I'm looking forward to. Spread the holiday cheer and make an author's day, buy a book!

A deadly twist this week from the writers of Twitter...

Author Lee Straus, Murder at the Mortuary, 5

Lady Ginger Gold is back on the trail, hunting for the person responsible for the murder of her sister-in-law's friend. When unregistered bodies start piling up at the mortuary, Ginger and her pre-med friend Haley know something is horribly wrong.

An acquaintance introduces Ginger to the dark operations within the mob world. As her investigations unfold, danger lurks at every turn. Will her sleuthing stints with Scotland Yard's Chief Inspector Basil Reed to find out who's behind the carnage rekindle their friendship, or bring it to a devastating end?

Author Strauss weaves yet another clever whodunnit in the Ginger Gold Mystery collection. I enjoy the characters and settings and am a big fan of this cozy series. A fine read for cozy mystery fans!

Next up in the reading queue:

We're headin' to the hills...

Big Bear, here we come! It's time for our annual trek to see the lights and enjoy the cold mountain air (and dare I say, snow...). I'm so looking forward to this trip and can't wait to see the holiday glam, mountain style. More pics coming soon!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy your week and weekend, friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. A big reveal in next week's post...a sneak peek at my cozy mystery Book 8! Gemma and Rikkhe approve 💖👑

71 views8 comments


Dec 07, 2022

Tonya's stories sound fascinating! Thanks for the introduction. Have a great time in Big Bear and don't forget to pack your boots! Looking forward to the cover reveal!

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Dec 07, 2022
Replying to

Tonya's books are fun reads, Amy! We're looking forward to the cold and lights in Big Bear, and yes, boots will be packed, LOL! Book 8 is coming along--can't wait to see what you think! Enjoy your week, xo 💖👑


Dec 07, 2022

Thanks, Veronica, for giving readers the opportunity to learn more about the authors in our Twitter universe. I know I always enjoy putting a personality to those familiar names. Enjoy the cold weather on your trip and I'm looking forward to those amazing pictures! Boots will be involved, I presume?

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Dec 07, 2022
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Thank you, Cathy--I love doing the writer chats! As to the boots, is that a trick question? 🤪👢 Enjoy your week, xo! 🎀❄


Dec 07, 2022

What a fabulous post! It was so cool to get to know Tonya Penrose better! I enjoyed ‘Charm’ as well and look forward to reading more. As far as book marketing, I will say it until the roof caves in… in-person and word of mouth. Together, those two things are gold for any writer. I’m grateful for all who do that for me and am always happy to recommend others stories to as well. Keep hustling! Have a fabulous time in Big Bear! I looks like the perfect place to write and enjoy a winter wonderland.

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Dec 07, 2022
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Thank you, UberHappy, Tonya's books are great and it's nice to have a new writer friend! Word of mouth and in person events are being stamped on my writer's head, lol--no better way to market, indeed. Polishing up my snow boots now--it looks like we're going to have snow, yippee! Have an awesome week! 🎀❄


Dec 07, 2022

It’s beginning to look like…lots of good books to read! Loved getting to know author Tonya Penrose. Glad the holiday season is going well for you Veronica!

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Dec 07, 2022
Replying to

Thanks, Jena--so far so good--I love the lights, lol. Tonya's books have been great reads, highly recommended! Have a fabulous week! xo 🎀❄

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