Happy #ThanksgivingEve everyone (and if you’re not in the U.S., join on in the celebration!)! The Thanksgiving holiday to me is a time to be with family and friends to reflect on the blessings received, and give thanks to those before us who made it all possible (and of course indulge in all things caloric). This year, I’m particularly focused on the topics of the week, friends and family, and all that these relationships entail–the #romance, the #dramas, the #happiness, the #sorrows, the #history and #comingof age, and the arrival of the #holidays.
So, in the spirit of feeding the soul (while not taking in extra calories, #score) this Thanksgiving week, I thought I’d highlight some of the #writers of Twitter whose books have given me much pleasure to #read this past year, in the genres focusing on the topics I feel are particularly special this week. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration, filled with bountiful blessings and fun! #Cheers! It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Words so true by Author Louisa May Alcott–I quite agree!
As promised, a few of the #authors of Twitter whose books are delicious #reads filled with romance, sorrow, happiness, history, coming of age, and holiday spirit sure to fulfill your #reading appetite–check out their author pages!
Author Shanna Swenson (Stars Over Abundance releases 12/6!): https://www.amazon.com/Shanna-Swenson/e/B07HDX7SKM
Author Brenda Guiton: https://www.amazon.com/Brenda-Guiton/e/B00BRO18ZO
Author Soulla Christodoulou: https://www.amazon.com/Soulla-Christodoulou/e/B074SCG6ZW
Author Martha Perez: https://www.amazon.com/Martha-Perez/e/B07NBYV519
Author Jena Henry: https://www.amazon.com/Jena-C-Henry/e/B014PLDN12
Author Teri Wilson: https://www.amazon.com/Teri-Wilson/e/B002BLJIU4
Author Bibiana Krall: https://www.amazon.com/Bibiana-Krall/e/B00Y5UIMKG
Author Patricia Earnest Suter: https://www.patriciasuter.com/
Author Colin Powell: https://www.amazon.com/C-A-Powell/e/B01IT3WADE
Author D.B. Carter: https://www.amazon.com/D-B-Carter/e/B07PN4XF14
Author Sue-Ellen Welfonder: https://www.amazon.com/Sue-Ellen-Welfonder/e/B00JO1AFBU
Author Kathleen Harryman: https://www.amazon.com/Kathleen-Harryman/e/B071D7VFWZ
Author M.L. Holton: https://www.amazon.com/Margaret-Lindsay-Holton/e/B0071LO2H8
Author S.S. Bazinet: https://www.amazon.com/S-S-Bazinet/e/B0078KS7BO
Author Alex Bailey: https://www.amazon.com/Alex-Bailey/e/B07B2YFZH9
Author M.B. Tosi: https://www.amazon.com/M-B-Tosi/e/B005JHIW7M
Author Jessie Cahalin: https://www.amazon.com/Jessie-Cahalin/e/B06XQK6ZK9
Author Paula Houseman: https://www.amazon.com/Paula-Houseman/e/B01547CC5Y

The zombie apocalypse explodes this week from the #writers of Twitter…
Author Ellie Douglas, The Dead Wake, Horror Colection, Vol. 1, 5 STARS
The terrors of an undead apocalypse unfold in this thrill filled collection of horror by Author Ellie Douglas. We are given a first hand view of how the a simple act unleashes a zombiesque plague determined to spread and proliferate, destroying life as we know it everywhere. We witness the terror of the victims as the plague of the undead spreads, with a plentitude of bone crunching, blood spewing gore.
I was mesmerized by this collection of short stories, each set in different locations as the pandemic events unfold, giving the victims’ perspective of the confusion, chaos and terror that would erupt in such a horrific event. Author Douglas does a superb job in giving the reader the raw emotions and dismal realizations of the victims as they try every last means to survive against a gruesome end. This is a page turning read, and one I couldn’t put down (as I read peaking under the covers, lol). Be forewarned, there is extreme gruesomeness and sexual content. This horror collection will have your spine tingling, highly recommended!
Next up in the reading queue;
There’s still time to order your copy–just in time for the #Holidays!
The holidays go into full swing this week–lots of yummy treats and libations!
You can get your FREE eBook copy here: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/sensational-writers-holiday-recipes

More Mistletoe and Mayhem!
Thank you! A special #shoutout and many thanks to author/blogger Jena Henry for featuring her review of Mistletoe and Mayhem on her blog last week! Jena is a fabulous supporter of the #WritingCommunity, check out her review here:
I need your help please! Print copies of Mistletoe and Mayhem are available for preorder on Amazon. I’d appreciate a visit to the link so that Amazon sees the interest (marketing every #writer needs to do 🙂 ). Thanks very much in advance–here’s the link:
Crowns and Kisses,
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving! Gemma (her favorite holiday for sure, LOL) and Rikkhe approve! 🙂
