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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica's #WritersDiary: Groundhogs, Chocolates, & 2022's Delights---Well, Hello February!

“Groundhog found fog. New snows and blue toes. Fine and dandy for Valentine candy. Snow spittin'; if you're not mitten-smitten, you'll be frostbitten! By jing-y feels spring-y.”

The Old Farmer's Almanac

Holy, chocolate truffles, month two of 2022, here we are! Have to say the Twitter trends ending January were a bit eye-popping: WWIII; political SOBs & #PartyGates; the never-ending vitriol (sigh) between the Vs (vaxxed) vs. UVs (unvaxxed); the fall, fall, fall of the stock markets...what have I missed? ❣ 👀 2022 is shaping up to be quite the year of pandemic aftermath (assuming Covid doesn't decide to unleash another deadly variant) as the world emerges into this new, post-lockdown, world order. Let's hope February's Cupid has enough arrows in his quiver to deflate the globally inflated polit-egos! 💘 #PrettyPlease

I wanted to say a word about the feature pic 👆 used for today's post. It's fitting actually given one of the world's latest, hot topics. It's the White Rock/Ak-Kaya, limestone cliff in Crimea (which used to be part of Ukraine...) I loved this picture--the white cliff is how I envision the seaside cliffs where my fictional Cherrywood Hall is located. I love the heart shaped hot air balloon--if Gemma lets me, I may just have to have one of those floating over the vineyard for the village fete! 🍇💀🍷 Now, a preview of near-term February attractions:

The film premiere for the long-awaited Agatha Christie mystery, Death on the Nile, is finally on tap to air on February 11th. My lovely OH has secured us tickets to attend this much anticipated release at the glamorous Cinepolis movie theater (where you can watch films while sitting in reclining chairs and sipping martinis). The premiere is a little over two years delayed due to Covid lockdowns (and I suspect the, ahem, cannibalistic preference headlines of a certain co-star that had to die down).

I'm super excited to see this film, it's one of my fav Dame Agatha tales. This will also be the first time since 2019 that the OH and I will have set foot in a theater!

*Movie poster courtesy of Cinepolis

Now for some really fun, February news...a little later this morning OH and I will be heading up to LAX to pick up a certain southern belle that I haven't seen in person since March of 2020, the fabulous, Bibiana Krall! She's staying with us for a few days before she heads further west, and I can't wait to see her and show her around our SoCal haunts. Book 3 of The Haunted Series has begun (Pssst...take a look below) and I'm sure we're going to have loads of fun during her stay. This story is developing...

Valentine's Day dinner plans are in the works. I'm currently looking through my Let's Eat France birthday cookbook for some culinary inspiration! I think our bottle of Sweetie Pie vino purchased at the Oak Mountain Winery will be a perfect after dinner drink...💞🍷 Will you be dining in or venturing out this Valentine's Day?

Wishing you a fabulous February, filled with X's & O's! Hang in there, friends--it may be a bumpy ride... It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Our first #MurdersWeWrite session on Clubhouse!

This past Sunday, Bibiana and I hosted our first session in our #MurdersWeWrite room where we discussed the odious topic of Poison Pens. We were joined by author Cynthia Raleigh and one other guest for the chat and I for one, loved it! Thirty minutes of literary exchange to stimulate the little gray cells with new ideas and a few giggles squeezed in--it felt like are our own little book club. The next #MurdersWeWrite chat will be on Superbowl Sunday, February 13th. We'll be talking Weapons of Peril, dun-dun-dun...what are some of the most clever or sinister weapons you've encountered in your reads and writings?

Be still my heart (not too still)! It's a sneak peek of Wicked Mist!

Bibiana Krall and I decided to give you a February sneak peek to kick off this month with book 3 in The Haunted Series, Wicked Mist! We're like two kids in a haunted library when it comes to our latest, paranormal endeavor--this book cover is one of the most delightfully, creepy covers we've ever seen and fits the upcoming tales' ambiance to a tee. Thanks once again to Danielle Gregorio for the cover design! We'll be sending out the story teasers in the coming months...#Staytuned, Wicked Mist releases on #LaborDay, just in time to get those #Halloween vibes flowing!

A literary mystery this week from the writers of Twitter...

Author Marie Benedict, The Mystery of Mrs. Christie, 5

For eleven days in 1926, the famed mystery author, Agatha Christie went missing. A huge manhunt ensued, with many fearing the worst. Her abandoned car and belongings were found, with no trace of the writer. Suspicion falls upon husband, Archie Christie, as details of his affair with another woman are uncovered. Is he responsible for her disappearance?

We are taken back and forth in time as Archie details the events of those missing days and Agatha gives us the history of their meeting and eventual marriage. Their perspectives are bittersweet as the complexities, heartbreak and angst in their relationship emerge--and their union crumbles.

Author Benedict gives an interesting, imagined, behind-the-scenes view into this mysterious event. I won't give away any spoilers, but her theory as to what might have really occurred is intriguing. A great read for Dame Christie fans!

Next up in the #reading queue:

Getting into that February spirit!

Another new month, another beautiful wreath to glam up the front door by Elegant Designs by Lulu! Look at those 'chocolates'--I hope no one tries to take a piece, LOL (our Ring camera will be watching). This wreath has it all for me---my fav Mackenzie Childs style ribbons and finery, roses, and even a crown. Every month is getting more and more glam, perfect for Cherrywood Hall west. #HappyFebruary Y'all and a huge thank you to Lulu!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. For those of you who have not read my cozy series, February eBook babies 1 and 3 are just 99 cents this month. Where it all began and murder on a train (with a royal wedding like no other and oh, the ending...💕), Gemma and Rikkhe approve! 💖👑

29 views6 comments


Feb 05, 2022

What an incredible cover for Wicked Mist! I love it and I can't wait to get my copy. As always, your photos are fabulous and so perfect for the time.

I hope you had fun with Bibiana--I'm also looking forward to her visit!

I loved Death on the Nile with Peter Ustinov, and I'm really eager to see the new one, too. Great stuff this week with the movie and the book about Mrs. Christie!

Happy February! 👑

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Feb 06, 2022
Replying to

Thank you, Amy! I think Wicked Mist is going to be pretty awesome---Bibiana and I worked quite a bit on it the past few days! Have a fabulous time with her visit--be prepared for loads of giggles! Happy February! xo 💖👑


Jena C. Henry
Jena C. Henry
Feb 02, 2022

Hello Veronica- Wednesday is my favorite day thanks to you! Your photos, vibrant thoughts and yummy lifestyle are an elixir for me! And then there’s your books- greatly looking forward to Wicked Mist! Have fun with Bibiana.

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Feb 02, 2022
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Thank you so much, Jena--I truly appreciate it and thank you for stopping in! We're very excited to have Bibiana with us for a few days, I can hear the giggles now. Wicked Mist is going to be chilling fun for sure! xo, V 💖👑


Feb 02, 2022

Wow! What a February treat! Let’s hope that Cupid does have space for all of the great things this month. Very excited for Wicked Mist (that cover is fire!) and the new film inbound. That novel was my very first Agatha Christie! Can’t wait to see where this takes us creatively! This blog always makes me happy. Thanks for all you do for me and the entire writers community. ✨🥂📚☕️

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Feb 02, 2022
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He's going to need a bigger quiver, me thinks, lol! Looking forward to actually going to a movie again and diving into Wicked Mist. Best of all though, I can't wait to SEE YOU LATER! #SQUEE 💖👑

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