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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, It’s All in the #Attitude

Writer's picture: Veronica Cline BartonVeronica Cline Barton

Tiaras, palaces, and teas, oh my! T-minus two weeks and counting ’til our British Isles cruise and I’m so excited! I’m getting into my London #attitude and can’t wait to go back to one of my favorite cities. Hyde Park  walks, tea at the Savoy, and a visit to my beloved Hampton Court Palace is all lined up.

What a busy week it’s been—National Bat Day (who knew?), Passover began, Easter Sunday, Earth Day, and World Book Day. Whatever’s your favorite day, I hope you had a chance to celebrate. I’m in an #attitude of gratitude this week, thankful for all the opportunities at hand. It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

three books genre sellers

Deep in the throes of editing/revising, well it’s not that painful but this one has been a challenge. I will be using Book 4 as my submission material for querying agents and will not be self-publishing as previously planned. Although theoretically it is the next story to my series, I’m making sure it can be viewed as a stand-alone read as well. So now the challenge is how to incorporate three books worth of happenings/background seamlessly into the new book….Entering new #writing territory with #prologue, #backstories, #flashbacks, but that’s the fun of being a #writer (right…anyone? anyone?)!

For my #AmQuerying efforts, I just signed up for Duotrope’s service:  I’m very impressed with the search capability and weekly updates so far. A great tool to consider if you’re thinking of pursuing an agent/traditional publisher path!

Duotrope is a subscription-based service for writers and artists that offers an extensive, searchable database of current fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art markets, a calendar of upcoming deadlines, a personal submission tracker, and useful statistics compiled from the millions of data points we’ve gathered on the publishers and agents we list.

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I thought I’d add in an extra feature to highlight some of the #IndieAuthors who are making a difference in the #WritingCommunity with their great support and awesome enthusiasm. I’ve been very blessed to get to know these amazing authors through social media. I’ve found many of them have awesome websites too, posting updates not only on their own books and experiences, but also giving #BookReviews for #readers and #booklovers to consider–as well as a chance to get to know them a little.

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This week I’d like to highlight the fabulous AUTHOR Travis Borne (@Travis_Borne). Travis’ site has a little bit of everything: Get to know Travis, take a look at his #Blog, read his #Bookreviews, learn about his genius reads (love the Lenders series) and BTW, he’s a great person to follow! You can find Travis on Twitter, FB, Goodreads, BookBub and Amazon. Check out his website here:

go away reading

A holiday weekend filled with fun in the Hamptons!

Author Tina-Marie Miller, Everything Happens for a Reason (The Hamptons Book 1), 5 STARS

The first book in Author Tina-Marie Miller’s Hampton series is a delight to read as we peak into the lives of the residents and visitors of this British countryside haven. We see the story through the eyes of main character Poppy Jackson, a young woman who is dealing with the heart break and loss of her mother. She’s bright, successful and on her way up as the personal assistant of CEO Greg Sable, head of the investment stockbroker firm of Hawkins, Monroe and Sable. A professional success, Poppy is starting to look for the man of her dreams–but with a demanding work environment, will she ever have the time to find him?

Enter Oliver Sullivan, an up and comer at a competing firm with ties to her boss, Greg. A chance  encounter at first seems promising. Time and business intervene however, leading Poppy to think their evening together was just not meant to be. Fate deals a gentler hand with their second liaison, as Oliver and Poppy meet again, this time allowing their relationship to grow and flourish. Things seem perfect…but are they?

Family drama, tragedy, personal and professional turmoil emerge as we follow Poppy and her friends and family weave through a tangled spectrum of life events. We laugh, we cry, we hope for the future as we meet new acquaintances and experience the challenges that transform her life. A heartwarming tale with enchanting characters–a great read indeed! I’ll be back for more in this series, that’s the Hamptons!

Next up in the reading queue:

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Pre-order is here for the #WolfPackAuthors Anthology!

I’m so excited to be a part of this latest collaborative effort by the #WolfPackAuthor community. My short story, Yuletime at Cherrywood Hall; Pippa’s First Christmas is featured, and I’m very proud to be included. The eBooks are available for pre-order now (print version details coming soon). Here’s an overview of our effort:

The idea was simple: form a group of authors based on the mantra, “Do good things for the right reasons.” We are a pack – #WolfPackAuthors. Together, we expand exposure for our books, help one another with all aspects of the process, pick each other up when the lonely life of writing gets us down.

As with wolves, words can be dangerous or healing. The reintroduction of the wolf, hunted to the brink of extinction, carries such far-reaching results as to make vegetation grow on what was once barren, and to change the paths of rivers. Considering these powerful facts, we chose to donate the proceeds of this anthology to Lockwood Animal Rescue Center /LARC, a facility with a unique mission. They are one of the few organizations focused heavily on wolves, integrating military veteran rehabilitation into the caretaking process.

In this collection of work, you will find a showcase of many of our members’ talents: A young girl betrothed to a werewolf, yet her father, a human, is the true monster. Two snipers who lay in wait, an otherworldly supreme being watching them, in the form of a majestic wolf. A she-wolf sets her sights on a young woman, married to the man she loved. The paradoxical story of the big bad wolf, who through no fault of his own sets out on a calamity filled adventure. A batch of witty private investigators at work solving crime. A sarcastic banshee, a shapeshifting detective, and a vampire, all friends, investigate a string of murders. There are many others, varied in style or genre.

Come on an adventure with the #WolfPackAuthors. We’ve got the stories you want; together, we hope to make the world a better place for wolves, humans, and those who dare to dream.

We’d really appreciate your support and help to promote this collaborative work–the lifting spirit of #WritingCommunity comradery, a reading treat for story lovers, and helping a great cause makes this a win-win for us all! Thank you for your support (Amazon link is below). 🙂

bling shoes handbags

#AmPacking for the cruise…(Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell, Tommy Hilfiger, Kenneth Cole; Bags: My Flat in London, Mary Frances, Jessica McClintock)

I’m sensing a pattern in my belongings–bling galore with a queen bee #attitude! I think I’m gonna need a bigger suitcase… 🙂

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Cocktails anyone?

Another fabulous drink from the American Bar menu at the Savoy. Fig Campari, who knew?

I hope you had a lovely holiday week with whatever you chose to celebrate. Enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend, friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Interested in seeing the British Isles? Check out Viking Ocean cruises: Gemma would approve 🙂



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