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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Lights, Camera, #YouTube; Just #BOOKEM!

So excited this week to have the first debut ‘dish’ on the YouTube #BOOKEM channel this afternoon (1:45 EDT) with fellow #authors Bibiana Krall and Amy Reade! Each week one of us will be chatting about our books, life in the #quarantine zone (will it ever end?), and feature a book we’ve read and feel might be inspiring for you to check out. You can find us on Twitter @BOOKEMchannel and the video on YouTube can be found here:

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Bibiana for quite some time now and met Amy last year in person at the the Bouchercon 2019 mystery conference in Dallas last October (wearing my Bat Hat 🙂 ). We decided during the #lockdown to try something different to reach out to readers and those we follow in the #WritingCommunity. We thought a weekly YouTube chat would give us a forum to to talk about what’s going on in each of our writing worlds; introduce you to us personally so that you get a little insight as to what we do in the non-writing world (which may include discussions on #cocktails and/or #crowns from at least one of us 🙂 ); and finally we will be highlighting a book we’ve read that we enjoyed and why, giving you, the reader, a chance to hear about a new book that just might tickle your fancy.

You can learn more about Amy, Bibiana and me on our #Twitter timelines and #Amazon author links below:




I hope you have a chance to stop on in later this afternoon and watch our debut video! We’re keeping things short and sweet and fun–please take a moment to subscribe and comment if you can. Thanks very much, and until next time, just #BOOKEM! Its Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Double Trouble crown always wins

#AmEditing and preparing for #Launch

The final edits from Mark Schultz’s #WordRefining have been handed over! As usual, he caught things I never would have suspected after all these rounds. I can’t stress enough the importance of great #editing and #proofing–it makes a huge difference. I’ll be done with the edits this week, and then it’s on to the publishing process. I’m trying something different this go round, dun-dun-dun….stay tuned!

go away reading

Sagas from WWII and present day intersect this week from the writers of Twitter…

Author Angela Petch, The Tuscan Girl, 5 STARS

Alba is reeling from a catastrophic break-up with her boyfriend in London. They’ve been together for years, but in an unexpected twist, James breaks up with her. A tragic accident sends Alba into a deep depression. Her family and friends are deeply concerned, will she recover from the fatal relationship?

Alba returns to her parents home in Tuscany to recover mentally and figure out her new life directions. A chance holiday dinner encounter brings her in touch with Massimo, an older man from the village with a bittersweet WWII past. As Alba regains her mental footings, she reaches out to the man with the war torn past, listening to his sometimes tragic and heartwarming lessons of experiences and relationships gone-by. Will the gift of life’s insights help heal her wounded heart?

Author Petch gives us an insightful read on dealing with heartbreak, tragedy and new directions in the present, guided by the sagas, dreams and lessons learned from the past. A delightful life journey filled with visual descriptions that transport you to the scene. A moving historical fiction tale, highly recommended!

Next up in the #reading queue:

Dallas eyeball bouchercon

I’m watching….

As we emerge from these #quarantined times, I’m very interested in the industry paradigm shifts that will be affecting us all. Loads of changes coming about–as a writer I’m very interested to see how these play out as our society adapts to the new norms. How will we portray the former ‘normals’ in our stories, and how will we adjust the new norms in our tales? In the months ahead, I’ll be keeping a close eye on the following:

  1. Commercial real estate occupancy: Will big cities become ‘ghost towns’ as employees work from home, leaving the skyscrapers vacant?

  2. City dwellings–apartments/condos/houses: Exodus to smaller towns, rural communities–the need for space and green?

  3. Sales practices: No more 3 martini lunches? Demos to dozens of people in a room? I don’t think so…

  4. Conventions: Think about it–what will happen to the empty centers? How will companies handle new mass marketing events?

  5. Hotels/Restaurants: No buffets, happy hours, large events? Cleaning practices/tools/services are going to soar…

  6. Shopping Practices: Online is now a must have? What’s the future for small retailers? Shopping malls a thing of the past?

  7. Airline travel: Hours added to check in procedures, social distancing on a plane–how?

  8. Fashion: Designer masks, face shields, gloves? I see new trends coming! (Some of us remember the ‘mod’ trend of the 60s with hats that fit down to your chin with acrylic cutouts for your eyes–think ‘space-age’ collections)

Question #writers, what will you be changing in your post 2020 #quarantine storylines?

Welcome to my world. Have a fabulous #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. For those with an inquiring mind….Just in time for the start of summer–how to host the perfect, glamorous BBQ courtesy of Tatler (and of course all the accessories and gourmet eats and drinks one must have…). Let’s get grillin’ and glammin’! Gemma and Rikkhe approve 🙂

back patio



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