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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, #Lockdown Life Bits & #Pieces

Well hello #May! Another day (and likely month), in #lockdown paradise. It’s been interesting watching the news this week–the protestors are out and they are not happy, everyone is feeling the squeeze of living in lockdown. I sympathize for many–I’m sure the economics of the situation is causing angst for many, as well as the shear boredom and collective outrage of not being able to be out and about. The current situation is not sustainable for much longer IMHO. I hope people continue to keep their guard up and watch the numbers and hot spots in their communities—erring on the side of caution for their activities. I’ll let it go at that. So for now, on to more entertaining (though perhaps a tad trivial in the total scheme of things) bits and pieces

I’ve been catching up on some new shows this week. One in particular is Julian Fellowes’ (the creator of my beloved Downtown Abbey) show, Belgravia. I had mixed thoughts when I started watching–I mean after #DA, it would be hard for one to like another show as much, LOL. But I did give it a go and have been pleasantly surprised. The setting is the early 1800s and focuses on families living in the aristocratic development of Belgravia in London. I’m loving the costumes and architecture, and the plot is full of societal twists and turns and ‘salacious’ (well, for the 1800s) schemes. To my delight, in episode 3 we followed the characters on a walk in Kensington Gardens, which happened to be filmed at my favorite my favorite royal abode, Hampton Court Palace! (The feature pic in today’s post shows the very spot for the walk). For today’s pics, I thought I’d take us back to HCP and its beautiful gardens, enjoy!

I can’t wait to get back there one day and stroll along the many garden paths. It’s a beauty for sure and very much missed by this almost royalophile (my new word). It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

double trouble cliff promo

Oh baby–the final edits are in and I’m working to resolve the last minute content/grammar/dialogue changes. I’m super excited too that feedback is rolling in from a few of my beta readers and it’s pretty excellent!

I’m pleased to announce that I will be using Mark Schultz’s #Wordrefining services for a final proofing–he always catches something! Check out his services here:

go away reading

A peek at the afterlife and what happens next from the writers of Twitter this week…

Author Kerri Davidson, Soul’s Choice, 5 STARS

A mother’s death and passage into the afterlife leaves her daughter and husband in limbo on Earth as they try to figure out what to do with their lives. Writer/mother Amelia dies unexpectedly in a tragic accident. She watches her family’s movements, witnessing the pangs of their despair and floundering, unable to help them from her perch in the beyond.

Teenage daughter Amy struggles with her self esteem, feeling listless in her life after her mother’s passing. She’s eating herself into oblivion, trying to dull the pain. Her police officer father, Jason, is lost as well, missing his wife and having no idea what to do with his daughter. He proposes a move back to his home town so that Amy can be around family members, but will the move ease their pain and open a door to the living again?

Author Davidson takes us on a unique paranormal journey into the afterlife as Amelia explores her soul’s options and witnesses the heartbreaking events of her family’s struggle back on Earth. Things appear to get better, but life (and death) always seems to present twists and turns that can suck the spirit out of you. Soul’s Choice is a page turning read, with an original twist I think is quite brilliant. I cannot wait to read the sequel–highly recommended!

Next up in the #reading queue:

saddle bar stool crown

Okay, yes I did…

The credits cards are smokin’ in #QuarantineLife, and I’m looking for all things inspirational. Lo and behold, I found a metal bar stool shaped like a western saddle that I just had to have, LOL! It’s going to be great taking this seat for a twirl, wearing my crowns and boots of course–pics later (well maybe…). #UhOh

Welcome to my writer’s world. Enjoy your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. To all the ‘Mama’s’ out there (including sisters, grandma’s, step-moms, aunties, friends etc etc etc), wishing you a very #HappyMothersDay this coming Sunday! Gemma and Rikkhe approve 🙂

pink rose flower



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