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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, #Summertime is in the Air!

Writer's picture: Veronica Cline BartonVeronica Cline Barton

Summertime has arrived and it’s time to have some fun in the sun! The pool is heated, the grill is primed–it’s time to kick back and relax under the stars. I’ve been perusing the cookbooks for some summertime meal inspiration. It goes without saying that with all this great food, #cocktail creativity is a must! Gin is still in (at least for me), and I’m starting to love the cold Sangria options (cherries and rose’ #Yummo)—can’t forget those IPA brews too, nothing better than a cold brewsky when the heat is on!

We’re also making some great #travel plans for the next few months (and next year–stay tuned). Monterey this month, Catalina Island is in our July future, Las Vegas in September, Atlanta/Savannah/Knoxville in October, Dallas in November, and just in time for some pre-Christmas cold, Jackson Hole, WY in December! I love getting to see other parts of the country–lining up some time to visit with friends and family. Now if we can only get the weather to cooperate…It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

three books genre sellers

#AmEditingBook 4 is in for its close-up–if all goes as scheduled I will have all the edits/proofing completed by mid-July. I’m still in there doing last minute weeding and clean-up myself–I have no idea how these little $x%&*# blips get through!

#AmPitMad *ing: Did my first ever Pitch Madness tweet on Twitter this past Thursday. If you have a completed manuscript and are ready to potentially be seen by publishers and agents, this may be for you. I did get some great exposure and ended up with a whole bunch of new Tweeps to follow!

#AmQueryingI’m lining up the literary agencies and specific agents to target for my querying campaign next month. It’s been interesting researching the agencies and understanding their submission guidelines. I’m working up a few versions of a #synopsis for book 4, some want ‘short’, some want ‘long’. I just hope I can get it ‘right’! 🙂

#AmOvertheMoonI just had a delightful conversation with one of my #betareader friends who finished reading book 4 (and has read the previous 3 books in the series)–and boy, I am over the moon. Chatting with this friend and listening to my first feedback on the story, characters, and events was just awesome. I am very happy to say she thought it was ‘brilliant, best book yet’. Can you say SQUEE!! YIPPY!! ( sooooo very grateful)

reading is my superpower

I love #reading in the summertime and the #writers of Twitter did not disappoint!

Author K. J. Backer, Nav’Aria: The Marked Heir, 5 STARS

Darion is trying weave his way through the pitfalls of being a teen and deal with changes that are causing him to have more frequent bouts of nightmares and anxiety, dreaming of a woman held captive. His parents and adult friend Tony try to help him, but Darion knows something is very wrong–his birthmark is spreading, leaving him with even more doubts and questions. Author K.J. Backer takes us on a magical journey into the wonderful kingdom of Nav’Aria, as Darion learns of his true heritage, and his princely destiny yet to be fulfilled.

The evil Narco and the Rav’Arians wants to rule Nav’Aria, killing every creature who dares to stop them. Years of war have marred the kingdom–can Darion’s return rejuvenate the fight and save the tortured woman who haunts him in his dreams? Mythical warriors including centaurs, unicorns and nymphs aide the Marked Royals as they make their stand against the evil forces–will they win? Or will the kingdom they love disappear?

Nav’Aria is a magical, heartwarming story of good vs. evil, filled with enchanting characters and scenery descriptions that takes your breath away. This is a fantasy, coming of age page turner that kept this reader engaged to the very last paragraph. A great read, highly recommended!

Author Bibiana Krall, Troika: A Supernatural Short Story, 5 STARS

What happens when disease lays its claim to those you care about–robbing them of their faculties, thoughts and dreams? When they speak to you through their clouded minds–what should you believe? Author Bibiana Krall takes you on a chilling journey that explores the untapped enigmas that exist somewhere between reality and the spiritual unknowns that wait and watch, biding their time…

Chantal cares deeply for her ailing friend, Aida. As her friend’s mind diminishes, Chantal tries her spirit lifting best to rid Aida of the nightly visions that haunt her frail intellect. Is it too little too late? Has she underestimated the power of this nemesis, and its true intent? A goose bump infused read that will chill you ’til the end, highly recommended!

Troika Bibiana Krall

Next in the reading queue:

cook yourself happy the danish way caroline fleming

In that #Hygge Frame of Mind–Focus on Food!

One of my favorite’s in the reality television show, The Ladies of London, was the ‘Baroness’,  Caroline Fleming (guilty confession–I ran into her in person at Angelina’s in Paris with her children by chance–lovely, lovely lady–made my trip!). I loved her attitude and her fashion and home décor on the show was amazing! She published her first English cookbook in 2017 and of course I had to get it. Cook Yourself Happy the Danish Way, is a delight to read with some very #yummy recipes to get you and your stomach living the #Hygge way! Her intro’s into the recipes invite you in–giving you those personal tidbits that make the dish special. I love trying the new recipes and the pictures are divine. It’s available on Amazon if you’re so inclined…

summer bling shoes

Summer Shoe Bling Strikes Again!

Too hot for boots, so I’m bringing in the bling, summer shoe style. Who doesn’t need a pair of ruby red sequined sneakers or silver/rhinestone mules? And they’re comfy too! I’m actually starting not to mind the warmer weather….gasp!

Welcome to my world! Enjoy your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Happy Father’s Day this coming Sunday to all the great Dads out there! Have a fabulous day! Gemma would approve 🙂

Dad Harry A Cline

My Dad, Harry ‘Pop’ Cline ❤



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