May Day, May Day! Decisions, decisions, what will I choose? I love spring fever and the inspiration it brings to start fresh with your endeavors. We’re clearing out the old, making plans for the new, and enjoying the many gifts we’ve been given. I’m consciously decoupling (thank you Gwyneth!) from the things that are no longer serving a purpose in my life or are weighing me down, trusting my #intuition to let go and move on. There’s always risk in change, but usually I’ve found there’s so much more to gain when you follow and #trust your gut!
T-Minus one week until our trip—I’m trying to use the same ruthless decoupling in my packing efforts. Will I really wear this? Can it be worn more than once? These shoes are cute, but can you walk in them (so sad but true…)? What’s the weather going to be in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Bergen??? Moral of this story, trust your #intuition (and the weather channel). Pssst, #intuition, please tell me what horse to bet on Saturday for the #KentuckyDerby 🙂 ! It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Editing ain’t for sissies…. I’ve been deep in the weeds of editing (thank goodness for Burberry wellies 🙂 ) my current #WIP–scrubbing out the excess gar-bage (What was I thinking?), revising those repeats, keeping descriptions crisp and clear. I’m so lucky to be a #reader as well as a #writer, you know when the flow is right and when it’s not. If you’re struggling to read a page, it’s wrong. If you haven’t moved the story along after three pages, it’s stuck. It can seem ruthless at times, but in the end, I know it will make for a better story.
Word Hippo, where have you been all my #writing life? Seriously #writers, especially those of us knee deep in #editing, you need to check this site out. A fantastic thesaurus and lots of great tools/features to assist you. They even have a #mobile app. #Mwah!
#AmQuerying: One day soon I know I’ll be climbing out of the #editing tank and onto my search for an agent with gusto! I mentioned the subscription site, last week. I’ve also picked up the Guide to Literary Agents 2019–great info and tips to help you plan and organize your #querying process if you’re so inclined.

***NEW*** #Author/Blogger Spotlight

#Author/Blogger Jena Henry (@jenabooks) I wanted to highlight a #writer and #blogger I feel goes that extra golden mile to support the #WritingCommunity, Jena Henry. She’s up-beat and fun, takes fabulous trips (I want that lazy river pool at her beach sanctuary!), #writes (I love her MC, Charli who takes us through ”he Golden Years…’, and #reads! Seriously, reads. Her website/blog is chock full of reviews and recommendations. She has teamed with another fabulous UK writer/blogger, Jessie Cahalin for Golden Handbag reviews. Jena also offers book promos and Author Spotlights. Please check Jena’s website out, you will not be disappointed!

The #writers of Twitter kept me in suspense and laughing this week!
Author Joe Congel, Deadly Passion, 5 STARS
A gruesome murder rekindles an investigation into a similar cold case from years before, bringing dashed dreams and broken hearts to light. P.I. Tony Razzolitto is brought in to assist in uncovering fresh clues, but when the lead detective is unreceptive to his involvement, will their clashes cloud their judgement, letting a killer run free once again?
Author Joe Congel gives us a chilling journey through the past and present as we meet the friends and families of the victims. Not all is as it seems, and it’s up to Tony and his reluctant colleagues to untangle the webs of truths and lies that have been buried for so long, unearthing a madness that wouldn’t subside.
This is a thrilling, suspense filled mystery, with many twists and turns to keep your jaws dropping and guessing ’til the end. Great narrative with engaging characters draw you into their world, as they make their way through life’s ups and downs. Survival is at stake, with an ending I didn’t see coming! I’m so glad to have found another intriguing series–I’ll be back for more!
Author Kerri Davidson, The Chronicles of Henny, Vol. 1, 5 STARS
A drunken chicken who’s not afraid to speak his mind–and boy does he have a way with words! Author Kerri Davidson gives us the fowl fun days in the life of Henny, Poopers, and Mr. Pickle in this guilty pleasure, adults only comic chronicle. Work? Definitely a four letter word for Henny! Beer? Keep them comin’!
Henny is a great end of day read to make you laugh and shake the problems of the day away. Page after page, Poopers and Mr. Pickle give it their best shot, but in the end, Henny rules this roost! I love Author/Artist Davidson’s quirky sense of humor and style, a little naughty, with a heart of nice–she’s a great Tweep to follow too (@bagoflettuce). Welcome to the #HennyZone! Pick up your copies here:

Next up in the reading queue:
A quick #shoutout to a #writer who supports so many—Author Mark Scantland’s (@mark1952ind) new #book, The Blackbird Threat, releases today!! Check it out here:

It’s that time of year again, THE KENTUCKY DERBY, Saturday May 4th
Get those #hats ready, ladies (the bigger the better)! So excited for the running of the roses this Saturday. I’ll be with my University of Louisville southern California alumni group watching the races and mingling with my fellow Kentucky transplants. The sun shines bright…and so does the famous #cocktail of the day–the MINT JULEP! In case you’d care to imbibe, here’s a yummy recipe:
6 fresh mint leaves (crushed/muddled)
1/4 ounce concentrated simple syrup (you can infuse mint leaves to kick it up a notch)
2 ounces high proof bourbon
shaved ice (it does make a difference!)
mint leaf garnish
Mix all in a shaker or stir thoroughly. Serve in a silver or pewter Mint Julep Cup. Enjoy!
Welcome to my world, enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend, friends! Wishing you a very #HappyMay!
Crowns and Kisses,
P.S. Feature picture this week is the Wellington Arch (also known as Constitution Arch) on Hyde Park Corner. It’s such a stunning monument–I’ll be there a week from now as we visit one of my favorite city parks! Gemma would approve. 🙂
P.S.S. Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of Once Upon a WolfPack— the #WolfPackAuthors Anthology; stories from some great #writers, a treat for #readers, and all proceeds go to a great cause! #ThankYou