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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Wanted: A Fresh Perspective

Writer's picture: Veronica Cline BartonVeronica Cline Barton

April, time to refresh and regroup, get the spring cleaning done– out with the old…in with the #book #editing! I know exactly what I’ll be doing the next few weeks and I can’t weight, ahem, wait. 🙂 My #beta #readers are lined up, and the professionals are sharpening their red pens. Watch out repetitive wording, spilling spelling errors, over used phrases—-I’m coming for ya!

Hubby and I are looking to make a few #spring changes as well–this Kentucky/California girl is craving a cabin in the woods to hang out in and #write (see more below). Who knows what #spring will bring, but I’m very excited to see! It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

three books genre sellers

The editing has begun! I loved writing this latest book in the series. It was very emotional for me to write–I don’t think I’ve ever laughed or cried as much with the other books. There are many changes coming in this storyline, but change is good, right? In all seriousness, I do take my editor’s and readers’ feedback as valuable suggestions, and in this latest installment you  will see that many of the inputs were incorporated without killing off what I consider to be my series’ uniqueness. A win-win for everyone, Tally Ho!

A great 5 STAR #BookReview of the Crown for Castlewood Manor from Author Shanna Swenson (@shanna_swenson):  So honored by Shanna’s review—she’s a huge supporter of the #WritingCommunity and such a fun tweep to be around! I love her Abundance Series #romance books and will be #reading the 2nd book in her series,  ‘Return to Abundance‘ very soon. I’ll be posting my guest Q&A with her next week, stay tuned… Check out her blog review here:

This was a glamorously mysterious, funny and entertaining read. I would liken it to Clue meets a modern Downton Abbey.

LA Times festival of Books 2019

Book signing at the LA Times Festival of Books, USC campus

If you’re near the southern California area and are a #bibliophile, #writer, #reader– this is the place to be this coming weekend. I will be in the Sisters in Crime LA Chapter tent on April 13th, hope to see you there! (Pssst, there will be a crown give-away for the lucky folks who take a chance and buy my books.)

4-2-2019 WPA LARC Poster 1

I’m very excited to have a short story included in the #WolfPackAuthors upcoming Anthology! The #WolfPackAuthors have teamed up and will be publishing a collection of short stories and poems, all proceeds going to awesome causes. My short story, Yuletime at Cherrywood Hall; Pippa’s First Christmas is included and I can’t wait to read the collection! Talented writers, a treat for readers, and great causes–a win-win for everyone! Stay tuned, release/pre-order info coming soon. Read more about Lockwood Animal Rescue Center here:

go away reading

Mind blowing read with endless possibilities from a fab Twitter #writer this week…

Author Travis Borne, Lenders II, The Time Tribulations, 5 STARS

Readers be forewarned, other reviews said to fasten your seatbelts for this one, and yup, that you need to do! In this second book of the Lenders series, author Travis Borne takes us to the depths of hell and beyond as we travel the spacetime continuum and explore the depths and expanses of the human mind as it escapes the confines of the physical body to transcend to higher levels in order to survive. Entities are vying for control and god-like status over what remains of the earth, using different means and levels of control to suck the last bit of lender life as a means to a power driven end. Can a chosen few save the essence of humanity from total annihilation?

We’re taken on an existential, spacetime, technological journey with some familiar faces and new, who attempt to decipher the codes of past decisions and technologies to figure out how to break into the future, and continue the human evolved consciousness before it’s destroyed. Can basic human traits of faith, hope and love be the key to unlocking our salvation against the technology infused goliaths that threaten to wipe human existence clean for their own gain?

This sci fi adventure takes us up and down to the nth degree of possibilities and the edge of sanity as the chosen few attempt a mental coalescence of what is left of humanity, before it’s too late. Author Borne’s Lenders series explores the evolution and what if’s that are in store for humanity as technology and consciousness merge. Can it happen? Will it happen? What’s the next step in the evolutionary path of the human, mental, spacetime existence? The Lenders series will keep you guessing and contemplating, and I suppose we will have to wait for the anticipated Lenders 3 to find out. A great sci-fi dystopian thriller read!

Next in the reading queue:

mountain views san bernadino

The mountains are calling…

Since our trip to Banff, I can’t get the call of the mountains out of my mind. Fresh, clean, crisp air, cooler temps–I’m feelin’ it big time, will it be the slopes of Big Bear Lake or Arrowhead as our next escape? Let’s see what the real estate spirits bring! Stay tuned….

bling snow boots

Just in case, the cutest, blingiest snow boots ever! 🙂

Mybad, I couldn’t resist these awesome boots (I did finish my book–writer’s need some short term gratification, right??). A girl can never have too much bling in my opinion, even in the snow! 🙂

Welcome to my #writers world! Enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. I’ll be doing the title reveal for Book 4 in a few weeks. The characters and I are close to making a final decision. Gemma is just about ready to approve (if she gets to wear the blingy snow boots–I’m still negotiating) 🙂

P.S.S. T-Minus four weeks ’til the Viking British Isles cruise and I can’t wait!



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