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Welcome to Veronica’s #WritersDiary—Week 1

Writer's picture: Veronica Cline BartonVeronica Cline Barton

To keep you up to date as I progress through Book 3, I thought I’d give you  glimpse of what goes on in my little writer gray cells on a typical day (or night) via my #WritersDiary. Expect the abstract, sometimes humorous, somewhat discombobulated (first time writing this word 🙂 ), ramblings of a writer (and her characters) deep in her #WritingZone. I’ll be giving #WritingDiary updates in Thursday posts, so stay tuned….and welcome to my world. So here goes: Dear Diary:

beach a

I’m heading to the beach, where it’s cool…

I have escaped this week to the beach, driving three hours for a little cool air. I love our little escape hatch we have—it’s cool, it’s quiet, and it lets me escape into a not so hectic pace. Not that our house in the burbs is exactly hustle and bustle, there’s just something about the beach that gets you in a relaxed, reflective mood.

“I’m going to make great progress on my book, I just know it. Oh look, it’s  Miss Fisher Murder mystery back to back episodes!”

“It’s at least 15 degrees cooler here, LOVE it! Where’s my sweater, it’s chilly.”

I’ve stocked up on my favorite foods and drinks (you never know when hunger or thirst will strike), and I’m ready to write. “And yes, I really did need that coconut crème pie! And lemon sorbet. And apple fritters.”

“And….hhhmmmm, hope I brought my stretch jeans….”

Hog Heaven

Hog Heaven…Or Not

My mind is overflowing with ideas, why didn’t I think of that before? Yup, I’m still revising the book 3 chapter outlines—-why did something that made so much sense a few months ago now totally sucketh? I had the city locations laid out perfectly, with the scenes and characters all ready to jump in and tell the story. But as soon as I put my hands to the keyboard I realize all is not well.

“You can’t do that, Veronica, you’ll never pull all those storylines together. I need some new characters.” I tell myself.

“See, I told you that scene wouldn’t work,” snarks Gemma. “By the way, how many times do I get bashed in this book? I’m not going up in any more balloons. You can’t make me.”

Gemma, darling, do be quiet and let Veronica alone. Besides, this book is more about me—I’ve been nominated for a Telly Tiara you know.” Ma-ma smiled, batting her eyes.

“Ladies, please, I’m trying to get some writing done here….Can you really commit a murder using a….” I say, twirling my hair. Fingers type quickly, scanning the Google results. “Holy cow, you can…who knew?”

Time for a trip to the fridge, with a fork, digging into that coconut pie….nothing like researching a murder method to get the appetite going…”Yes, Gemma, I’ll bring you a slice.”

not mm oscar de le renta

No, this is not #MeghanMarkle ‘s $5000 Oscar de la Renta dress

Just sayin’….#DailyMailBreak, #TwitterOutRageBreak I cannot believe how much attention a woman’s dress gets these days.

“Does kind of look like my quilt in the guest bedroom though. Since when does Oscar de la Renta use Laura Ashley prints?  I do like the blue and white–wonder how this print would look on me?” (Holds quilt up to chin and looks in mirror.)

Lose an hour of writing time…

Tic toc

Tic Toc

It’s after midnight and things became so clear…”Ebbie, please get your cat butt off my head!” Roll out of bed and into the bathroom, then downstairs to stare at the computer.

“Come on now, Veronica, get your head in the game. This is genius, girl!”

“Should I add another city to their tour? I already have three, no two, no it’s three…”

“If I add these two characters, how should I introduce them? And when do they show up in the story? Boy, they’re pretty bad. I don’t think this one will be here for long…”

“Hhhmmm, I don’t even think Kyle could rescue her from that…’

“Daisy, please, quit chewing the power cord. I’m not going to tell you again. Oww!”

Pulls hand away after being swatted by Daisy cat. Applies ointment and band aid. Heads back to bed, brain has been vacated of ‘suddenly so clear’ ideas. 

crown books


Sometimes when you’re at your lowest, the ideas start flowing, putting you back on track. Thank you, writing inspiration, there is hope…

“You can’t possibly expect me to do that.” Gemma said, shaking her head. “No one can do that, and survive!”

“I know,” I said, smiling sweetly, batting my eyes.

“That’s not funny….”

“Oh, I think it is….let’s take a poll…” (Thanks cousin Janie)

Just kidding, well kind of. Gemma’s my main gal, for now anyway. Time to get to work, as you can see, I have lots of writing (and editing and revising) to do. And mental mur-dahs to commit (still trying to figure out if this one way is feasible)….Until next time,

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Coconut crème pie, highly recommended. It’s summer—Chef Karl (and Gemma)would approve 🙂



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